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    Jan 17, 2016

    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze #SundaySupper #FLStrawberry

    This post is sponsored by Florida Strawberry Growers Association in conjunction with a social media campaign through Sunday Supper LLC. All opinions are my own.

    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze is a sweet and tangy treat that is easy to make and versatile too!
    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze | by  Life Tastes Good is a sweet and tangy treat that is easy to make and versatile too! #LTGRecipes #SundaySupper #FLStrawberry

    Dipping fresh strawberries into the thick, rich, tangy balsamic glaze gives your taste buds a fun balance of sweet and tart. With less than 50 calories in 1 cup of fresh strawberries, it makes for a smart dessert or snack too. I love how easy it is to add flavor and nutrition to your life with fresh strawberries, and because Florida strawberries are available all winter long, you don't have to wait until summer to enjoy their sweet deliciousness!
    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze | by  Life Tastes Good is a sweet and tangy treat that is easy to make and versatile too! #LTGRecipes #SundaySupper #FLStrawberry
    In addition to being relatively low in sugar and calories, fresh strawberries are also a good source of vitamin C. It's true! Just 8 medium strawberries equal your daily requirement of vitamin C! Your entire day's requirement!! What a delicious way to ensure you are getting this important nutrient! Click here for 10 more reasons to eat strawberries by my friend Strawberry Sue.

    This weekend the #SundaySupper Tastemakers are in the Winter Strawberry Capital of the World, Plant City, FL, with the Florida Strawberry Growers Association. We are staying at the Epicurean Hotel, a foodie dream destination that focuses on great food and wine, and we'll be dining at some of Tampa's finest restaurants such as Cask Social Kitchen, Ava, Elevage Restaurant, Edge, and Bern's Steak House.

    In addition to all the amazing food and wine, we are also touring strawberry farms to learn everything there is to know about growing strawberries in Florida. Because we are all about fresh strawberries this weekend, the #SundaySupper Tastemakers developed a variety of recipes to share today! Scroll down past my recipe to visit all of the scrumptious strawberry recipes. You'll be able to plan a strawberry feast with all the different recipes!

    Florida Strawberry Growers Association

    Join me in following Florida Strawberry and Strawberry Sue on

    Strawberry Sue on Twitter | Strawberry Sue on YouTube

    If you haven't already done so, add fresh Florida strawberries to your grocery list and make up some of this sweet and tangy balsamic glaze for dipping! Balsamic Glaze is super easy to make and great to have on hand. It is the perfect compliment to sweet strawberries and also makes a great glaze for beef, chicken, and pork too!

    Another tasty use for balsamic glaze is to drizzle over vanilla ice cream and top with fresh strawberries, of course. Sweet or savory, this glaze goes with just about everything!

    I reduce the vinegar first before adding the sugar, so to get this glaze started pour 1 cup balsamic vinegar into a small skillet. I like to use a skillet to spread the vinegar out more over the heat source. This helps to make quick work of reducing the vinegar.
    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze | by  Life Tastes Good is a sweet and tangy treat that is easy to make and versatile too! #LTGRecipes #SundaySupper #FLStrawberry
    Heat the vinegar over medium heat for 5-10 minutes until it is reduced by about half and then add in 1/2 cup of sugar and a pinch of kosher salt. 
    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze | by  Life Tastes Good is a sweet and tangy treat that is easy to make and versatile too! #LTGRecipes #SundaySupper #FLStrawberry
    Stir until sugar is dissolved and glaze thickens. Give it a taste and adjust as needed to suit your tastes. Allow to cool. The glaze will thicken even more as it cools and become a thick, rich and tangy glaze that is hard to resist. Grab a handful of strawberries and enjoy!
    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze | by  Life Tastes Good is a sweet and tangy treat that is easy to make and versatile too! #LTGRecipes #SundaySupper #FLStrawberry

    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze

    Life Tastes Good
    Published 01/17/2016
    Strawberries with Balsamic Glaze


    • 1 cup balsamic vinegar
    • 1/2 cup sugar
    • pinch of salt
    • Fresh Florida Strawberries


    1. Pour 1 cup balsamic vinegar into a small skillet set over medium heat. I like to use a skillet to spread the vinegar out more over the heat source. This helps to make quick work of reducing the vinegar.
    2. Heat the vinegar over medium heat for 5-10 minutes until it is reduced by about half and then add in 1/2 cup of sugar and a pinch of kosher salt.
    3. Stir until sugar is dissolved and glaze thickens. Give it a taste and adjust as needed to suit your tastes. Allow to cool. The glaze will thicken even more as it cools and become a thick, rich and tangy glaze that is hard to resist.
    4. Dip strawberries in glaze and enjoy!
    Prep Time: 5 mins.
    Cook time: 10 mins.
    Total time: 15 mins.

    Tags: Strawberries, Balsamic Glaze, Balsamic Reduction, Dipping Sauce, Fresh, Fruit, Florida, Strawberry, Easy Recipe

    Strawberry Cocktail
    Strawberry Starters
    Strawberry Salads
    Strawberry Main Dishes
    Strawberry Desserts

    Sunday Supper Movement Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.

    This glaze goes great on my Strawberry Caprese Pasta Salad
    Strawberry Caprese Pasta Salad | by Life Tastes Good
    As well as my Caprese Sandwich Recipe
    Caprese Sandwich Recipe | by Life Tastes Good


    1. Oh how tasty! I love balsamic. I love strawberries - so combining the two is just genius!

    2. A classic for fruit! Perfect topper for strawberries!

    3. Oh yeah! That balsamic sounds amazing! Strawberries and balsamic is a favorite combiination of mine!

    4. I love this combination of flavors!

    5. There is something about Strawberries and Balsamic that just goes together don't you think! Great snack.

    6. Seriously great dip for strawberries! And I'm thinking of using it one day as a glaze to brush on a strawberry cake. Yum.

    7. I am a balsamic and strawberries fan! A delish way to enjoy strawberries!

    8. Strawberries and balsamic, I have tried this combination in a cake form, soooo delicious!


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    Thanks! I hope it's a great day!! ~Marion
