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    May 14, 2012

    Great Way to Display Horse Show Ribbons

    While Madison was home for spring break, we set out to organize her many, many boxes of horse show ribbons.  She had a great idea to display them in a vase, so we went to TJ Maxx.  They had SO many choices of glass vases in all shapes and sizes!  Very affordable too! All I knew was I HAD to have a lid to keep the dust out.  There is no way I was ever going to take those ribbons out and dust them, so a lid was necessary!
    It was a little tough to settle on one, but this is it...

    We gathered all of her show ribbons from the early years...

    and we got to work....
    well, Madison got to work, I mostly watched :o)

    What a great afternoon this was!  We found show ribbons dating back to 2001!  Her very first horse show ever was at the Funny Farm. She was in the Walk class on Sweet Sue and won ALL blue ribbons!  and that is how she acquired the horse showing bug! The bank account was always empty after that...thanks to horse showing

    Sweet Sue & Madison back in 2001 - toooo cute!
    We also found ribbons from her very first out of town show! Again, on Sweet Sue at the Greater Orlando Hunter Jumper Association show.  Great memories!
    (that show is when I realized how much horse shows can break the bank! WOW! That bill was a shocker!)

    We found ribbons from her first show with her very own horse - Shameless!  

    First show with Shameless in Jacksonville - Big Winners!
    Her first 4-H show ribbons, and so many more great memories!

    First 4-H Show with Shameless - lots of Blue!

    We done good! I am so happy with how the ribbon display turned out!

    ...and we still have ribbons leftover!  Time to get another vase!

    Madison picked up another vase to hold ribbons from 2 very special horses - Carlos and Jordy.  Carlos was a 4 year old German Warmblood given to Madison after a tragic trailer accident took the life of her beloved jumper. EWSZ, Inc. donated Carlos to help Madison move past the tragedy.  Madison loved working with Carlos - they learned a lot from each other, and being the sweetest horse ever, he really did help her through such a horrific time in her life. If you are in the market for a beautiful, talented horse with a great mind (who isn't?), definitely check out the website!

    Jordy was a lease horse from Tri-Color Stables. Jordy is a great jumper! Madison had so much fun with Jordy. She learned so much from him and was very successful showing him. Working with Angie was wonderful as well. It was our first time ever leasing a horse, and we were fortunate to have such a great experience thanks to Angie! You can see A jumping video of Madison and Jordy here.


    1. Um...I'm thinking maybe a dozen or so (vases) should do! Fun idea. Loved the little girl would be fun to put a few of those in there too!

      Libby has an exploding number of ribbons too...I'll show this to her!

      1. What a great idea to add some photos! Thanks! I shall work on that...

    2. Super cute idea! I can't wait to do this with some of our dog show ribbons as well.

      For those of you with an extreme overabundance of ribbons (like me! lol) and don't maybe want a dozen vases throughout your home... there are some very deserving organizations that recycle the dog and horse show ribbons for use in therapy programs, etc. :)

    3. BCMom - Thank you for sharing that - what a wonderful idea. I know my daughter has several we can donate. I will definitely have her sort them when she gets home from college this summer.

    4. Cute! Alicia's are hanging on her curtain rods, creating a valance. But she has waaayyy more to display, we may have to get a vase too!

      1. A valance? I never thought of that! That's a super idea!! Thank for sharing, Tina!

    5. Oh! And I'm sure there will be some left to donate!

    6. I just found your blog via the photo of the vase on Pinterest! I have boxes & boxes of ribbons that I put away because I stopped hanging them once I got older (now it's all about winning money) but I love this idea. TJ Maxx is calling my name & I just might have to go shopping soon & do this! Ribbons always bring back lots of good memories & displaying them like this is perfect!

      1. Raquel, I'm glad you found it! I love Pinterest! Have a great time making your vase and enjoy the memories! Good luck at the $hows!!

    7. how did you secure the ribbons on the back of the rosette? Great idea!

      1. Thanks, Kim. We folded them up and just slipped them under the clip that is on the back of the ribbon. That holds them nicely!

    8. Where could I find a vase that big?

      1. Hi Emily, If you have a Marshall's or Home Goods store nearby you'll be able to find one there or look online. I hope that helps :) Have a super weekend ~Marion


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    Thanks! I hope it's a great day!! ~Marion
